updated 13 January 2025
This is a list of all the requests I have made under freedom of information legislation in the UK, briefly summarising each request and its current status. First are the 107 requests I have made to the Scottish Government, followed below by 74 requests to the Ministry of Defence. Next comes one request to the UK Atomic Energy Authority, followed by five to the British Nuclear Group, 34 to the Health and Safety Executive, 48 to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 24 to Scottish Natural Heritage/NatureScot, eight to Transport Scotland, three to the Food Standards Agency, 12 to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, 29 to various UK government departments (including 12 to the Department of Energy and Climate Change), seven to the Environment Agency and 89 to various other public sector agencies, including two to US government departments. There are links to resulting stories, and judgements issued by information commissioners. I try and keep the list regularly updated.
Scottish Government: correspondence with salmon farming companies
24/01/24: requested information
21/02/24: information provided (stories here and here)
Scottish Government: information on contact with Aker Biomarine
20/07/22: requested information
11/08/22: told no information held
Scottish Government: minutes of eight ministerial meetings on deposit return scheme
09/01/22: requested information
19/04/22: some information released
28/04/22: requested internal review
26/04/22: a little extra information released
Scottish Government: ministerial meetings on deposit return scheme
22/12/21: requested information
25/01/22: information released
Scottish Government: delay to deposit return scheme
19/11/21: requested information
09/12/21: clarification requested suggesting request was "manifestly unreasonable"
10/12/21: asked why, and for advice and assistance
23/12/21: request refused as "manifestly unreasonable"
07/01/22: requested internal review
03/02/22: No further information released, but apology given for failing to provide advice and assistance
Scottish Government: minutes of Scottish Energy Advisory Board
20/09/21: requested information
18/10/21: information provided.
Scottish Government: discussions about Cambo oil development
01/09/21: requested information
21/09/21: told information not held
22/09/21: requested internal review
07/03/21: told no information held
Scottish Government: minutes of meetings between O&GUK and ministers
11/08/21: requested information
08/09/21: minutes released
Scottish Government: information on public funding for the fish farming industry
20/10/20: requested information
17/11/21: response received
Scottish Government: information on control of beavers in Tayside
08/05/20: requested information
08/06/20: response received
Scottish Government: information on meetings in London attended by Liz Ditchburn
11/11/19: requested information
27/11/19: response received.
Scottish Government: information on travel by senior officials
17/09/19: requested information
14/10/19: information released (story here)
17/10/19: Requested internal review of some withheld information
30/10/19: A little more information released
11/11/19: Appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
12/02/20: Appeal rejected.
Scottish Government: correspondence on kelp harvesting
21/09/18: requested information
04/03/19: requested internal review of failure to respond
06/03/19: some information released, some withheld
06/03/19: requested internal review of withheld information
24/04/19: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
28/05/19: Commissioner orders government to carry out internal review
30/05/19: government refuses to release more information after internal review
03/07/19: appealed again to Scottish Information Commissioner
22/06/20: Scottish Information Commissioner rejects appeal.
Scottish Government: names of five farmers who have breached animal welfare rules
27/11/17: requested information
22/12/17: information refused
Scottish Government: correspondence on Coul Links
07/12/17: requested information
10/01/18: information provided (story here)
Scottish Government: mortalities at fish farms in Scotland
18/09/17: requested information
17/10/17: information provided
Scottish Government: correspondence between Charlotte Street Partners on Park of Keir development
12/09/17: requested information
06/10/17: told no information held
Scottish Government: correspondence between Fergus Ewing and other ministers on climate change plan
01/02/17: requested information
31/03/17: information refused
09/05/17: two documents released
Scottish Government: correspondence between Sir Angus Grossart and senior ministers
05/12/16: requested information
14/12/16: one document released
20/12/16: requested internal review
23/01/17: no further information released
Scottish Government: procedures for recording information and handling freedom of information requests
11/10/16: requested information
25/10/16: told no information held
26/10/16: requested internal review
22/11/16: Requested reinterpreted, and refused as too costly
Scottish Government: discussions between two ministers about the status of beavers in Scotland
04/10/16: requested information
09/11/16: two letters released
Scottish Government: discussions between officials and ministers about conservation areas for harbour porpoises
09/06/16: requested information
07/07/16: information refused
28/07/16: requested internal review
26/08/16: some information released
Scottish Government: discussions with energy companies about a conservation area under consideration in the Moray Firth
25/04/16: requested information
27/06/16: information released (story here)
Scottish Government: correspondence between Prince Charles and all Scottish ministers
31/03/16: requested information
22/05/16: correspondence released
Scottish Government: discussions with industry about proposals for a deposit return system for drinks containers
29/03/16: requested information
30/04/16: information released (story here)
Scottish Government: discussions with energy companies about a proposed conservation area in the Moray Firth
10/03/16: requested information
24/03/16: told information not held
24/03/16: requested internal review
22/04/16: again told information not held
25/04/16: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
30/08/16: Scottish Government ruled to have breached law by withholding information (story here)
Scottish Government: ministerial correspondence about beavers since June 2015
23/02/16: requested information
22/07/16: some information released, some withheld (story here)
28/07/16: requested internal review
25/08/16: request rejected as "manifestly unreasonable"
25/08/16: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
14/03/17: Commissioner agrees that request is unreasonable but criticises government for failing to provide advice and assistance (story here)
Scottish Government: information on ministerial discussions about neonicotinoid pesticides
23/02/16: requested information
15/03/16: information released (story here)
Scottish Government: correspondence from Scottish ministers on An Camas Mor development in the Cairngorms
01/02/16: requested information
26/02/16: information refused
10/03/16: requested internal review
20/04/16: a little information released
Scottish Government: correspondence between Alex Salmond when he was First Minister and the European Commission about offshore wind development
01/02/16: requested information
22/02/16: told information not held
Scottish Government: full correspondence between Princes Charles and Alex Salmond when he was First Minister
31/08/15: requested information
09/10/15: information released (story here)
Scottish Government: information on blocks bid for under the 14th onshore oil and gas licencing round
18/08/15: requested information
07/09/15: no information released
07/09/15: requested internal review
01/10/15: no information released
Scottish Government: correspondence with UK government on 14th onshore oil and gas licencing round
30/07/15: requested information
05/11/15: some information released
10/11/15: requested internal review
24/11/15: no more information released
Scottish Government: underground coal gasification
06/07/15: requested information
04/08/15: Government pointed to some information posted online
04/08/15: requested internal review to check information not missed
01/09/15: Told no further information held
Scottish Government: fracking moratorium
11/06/15: requested information
28/08/15: some information released, some withheld
03/09/15: requested internal review
01/10/15: a little more information released
Scottish Government: letters to First Ministers from Prince Charles
14/05/15: requested information
22/06/15: told request would exceed £600 threshold, so reduced its scope
23/07/15: letters withheld
23/07/15: requested internal review
25/08/15: extracts from some letters released (story here)
27/08/15: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
31/03/16: Decision by commissioner ordering the release of more letters (story here)
12/05/16: three more letters released
Scottish Government: information on Buccleuch wind farm plans
24/03/15: requested information
03/06/15: information released (story here)
Scottish Government: information on report into corkscrew seal deaths
09/03/15: requested information
15/04/15: information released (story here)
Scottish Government: information on discussions between the Energy Minister, Fergus Ewing, and Buccleuch estates
02/03/15: requested information
08/06/15: information released (story here)
Scottish Government: information about extending the lives of nuclear power stations since 26 September 2011
06/05/14: requested information
24/06/14: some documents provided, others withheld
30/06/14: requested internal review
20/11/14: more documents released
Scottish Government: information about contacts with EDF Energy
06/05/14: requested information
24/06/14: some documents provided, others withheld
30/06/14: requested internal review
20/11/14: more documents released
Scottish Government: information about Grievehill opencast coal mine in East Ayrshire from 2006 to 2009
03/02/14: requested information
01/08/14: documents received
Scottish Government: information on where, and in what numbers, potassium iodate tablets are stored for nuclear accidents
10/06/13: requested information
08/07/13: information refused for national security reasons
08/07/13: requested internal review
30/07/13: information still withheld
04/11/13: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
29/01/14: appeal rejected (story here)
Scottish Government: correspondence between Professor Russel Griggs and Scottish ministers on restoring opencast coal mines
23/05/13: requested information
03/09/13: information released (story here)
Scottish Government: information from Marine Scotland on why the prosecution of Hoganess Salmon in Shetland was dropped in October 2011
07/05/13: requested information
04/06/13: information refused
05/06/13: requested internal review
13/06/13: information refused
Scottish Government: information on proposals to restrict the use of neonicotinoid pesticides
29/04/13: requested information
25/06/13: three redacted documents released
25/06/13: requested internal review
30/09/13: sent reminder
17/01/14: more documents released
Scottish Government: names of all farmers in receipt of subsidies in 2011
26/07/12: requested information
24/08/12: information refused
03/09/12: requested internal review
19/10/12: information again refused
30/10/12: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
23/07/13: appeal rejected (story here)
Scottish Government: information about guidance on ways of recording information
22/11/11: requested information
24/01/12: response received
22/02/12: requested internal review
26/03/12: response received
29/03/12: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
15/06/12: additional information released
27/06/12: agreed to withdrew appeal
Scottish Government: information about extending the lives of Torness and Hunterston nuclear power stations
26/09/11: requested information
05/04/11: some information received, some withheld
23/04/12: requested an internal review
22/06/12: one extra document released
27/06/12: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
12/08/13: Commissioner ordered release of most information
26/09/13: information released
Scottish Government: assurances given to Donald Trump about wind farms
23/08/11: requested information
30/08/11: told information not held (story here)
Scottish Government: correspondence with the Trump Organisation since December 2008
26/07/11: requested information
02/08/11: told it would exceed £600 threshold
08/08/11: refined request to reduce costs
30/08/11: told information not held
Scottish Government: information about the calculation of carbon emissions from the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
05/04/10: requested information
04/05/10: information released
Scottish Government: information about the re-appointment of Andrew Thin as chairman of Scottish Natural Heritage in July 2009
17/03/10: requested information
03/06/10: some information received, but some withheld
03/06/10: requested internal review
10/08/10: further information released
Scottish Government: flights and hotels paid for but not used by ministers and officials
27/01/10: requested information
25/02/10: told the information is not collated or held
25/02/10: requested an internal review
26/03/10: told the information was held, but it would be too costly to collate it
06/04/10: narrowed request to Alex Salmond, John Swinney and their senior officials to reduce costs
27/07/10: information released on Salmond and Swinney, but not senior officials.
Scottish Government: reports produced by the Zero Waste Think Tank in 2009
18/01/10: requested reports
22/02/10: told reports had now been published online
Scottish Government: information on the decision to include a proposed coal-fired power station at Hunterston in North Ayrshire in the National Planning Framework
28/07/09: requested information
31/08/09: some documents released, but four withheld
02/09/09: requested internal review of withheld documents
07/10/09: more documents released
Scottish Government: information on the guidance given to reporters for the public inquiry into a golf resort planned for Balmedie in Aberdeenshire
06/11/08: requested information
28/11/08: information supplied
Scottish Government: information on the government air fare programme
13/10/08: requested documents on operation of scheme
06/11/08: no information provided
18/11/08: requested internal review
17/12/08: information provided
Scottish Government: information on civil servants travelling first class
13/10/08: requested documents on first class travel policies
06/11/08: no information provided
18/11/08: requested internal review
17/12/08: information provided
Scottish Government: previously withheld information on M74 inquiry
08/07/08: requested 35 documents withheld in response to request of 25 March 2005
07/08/08: documents refused
11/08/08: internal review requested
13/10/08: information refused
Scottish Government: information on proposed sparrowhawk relocation trial
05/05/08: requested scientific advice on proposed trial
15/08/08: some information provided (story here)
Scottish Government: information previously withheld on 2006 UK energy review
11/03/08: requested information in light of decision by Scottish Information Commissioner
14/05/08: some documents released, others withheld
19/05/08: requested internal review
18/06/08: a few more documents released, others still withheld
09/07/08: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
17/07/09: decision by the commissioner ordering the government to release most of the documents by 31 August 2009
01/09/09: documents arrived
Scottish Government: information on trips by car taken by ministers and officials since May 2007
17/01/08: requested information
13/02/08: information refused because it would exceed £600 threshold, compromise suggested
14/02/08: alternative compromise suggested
08/05/08: requested internal review of failure to respond
30/05/08: information released (story here)
Scottish Government: information on flights within mainland Britain taken by ministers and officials since May 2007
17/01/08: requested information
08/05/08: requested internal review of failure to respond
25/06/08: information released (story here)
Scottish Government: information on the decision to call in planning application for golf resort in Balmedie, Aberdeenshire, since 5 December 2007
20/12/07: requested information
30/01/08: no reply received so requested internal review
04/03/08: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner on failure to respond
18/03/08: over 230 documents published by Scottish government but some withheld
19/03/08: requested internal review of withheld documents
25/03/08: withdrew application to Scottish Information Commissioner on failure to respond
21/04/08: Scottish government refuses to release withheld documents
22/04/08: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner on withheld documents
06/11/08: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering the release of five documents by 20 December 2008
18/12/08: information released
Scottish Government: correspondence on the decision to call in planning application for golf resort in Balmedie, Aberdeenshire
05/12/07: requested information
23/01/08: no reply received so requested internal review
04/03/08: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner on failure to respond
18/03/08: over 230 documents published by Scottish government but some withheld
19/03/08: requested internal review of withheld documents
25/03/08: withdrew application to Scottish Information Commissioner on failure to respond
21/04/08: Scottish government refuses to release withheld documents
22/04/08: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner on withheld documents
06/11/08: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering the release of five documents by 20 December 2008
18/12/08: documents released
Scottish Government: reports on CBRN drinking water quality database
28/11/07: requested information
29/11/07: information withheld
29/11/07: requested internal review
28/12/07: information still withheld
Scottish Government: updated version of European Union infractions database
13/11/07: requested information
07/02/08: no response received so internal review requested
20/03/08: database provided (stories here and here).
Scottish Government: documents on Clashindarroch Wind Farm in Aberdeenshire
12/09/07: requested information
08/10/07: some information provided
08/10/07: internal review requested
03/11/07: more information released
28/11/07: appealed to the Scottish Information Commissioner
20/02/08: more information released (story here)
23/04/08: application withdrawn
Scottish Government: information on required waste treatment capacity
10/09/07: requested information
09/10/07: information provided
Scottish Executive: correspondence on energy from waste proposals
08/08/07: requested correspondence
10/09/07: refined request
19/07/08: some information released, some withheld
Scottish Executive: information on greenhouse gas projections
06/06/07: requested information
06/08/07: some information provided, some withheld (story here)
10/08/07: internal review requested
07/09/07: information still withheld on the grounds that it would be published in 12 weeks
12/12/07: appealed to the Scottish Information Commissioner
07/03/08: 13 more documents released
29/08/08: decision by the Commissioner ordering the release of one document by 13 October
15/10/08: document released
Scottish Executive: information on access funding for local authorities
26/04/07: requested information
31/07/07: reminder sent
08/08/07: some information provided (story here)
Scottish Executive: information on £40 million payment to farmers
22/03/07: requested information
17/04/07: some documents provided, others withheld
19/04/07: internal review requested
18/05/07: two more documents provided, others withheld
30/05/07: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
24/10/07: 100 additional documents released (stories here and here)
31/10/07: application to Scottish Information Commissioner withdrawn
Scottish Executive: information on promised 'policy gap analysis' on climate change
14/03/07: requested information (story here)
13/04/07: some documents released, others withheld
19/04/07: internal review requested
13/06/07: more documents released (story here)
Scottish Executive: correspondence on freedom of information request for flights within mainland Britain
14/02/07: request for correspondence
14/03/07: some correspondence withheld
14/03/07: internal review requested
17/04/07: a few more emails released
19/04/07: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
03/09/08: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering the release of most of the correspondence by 19 October 2008
20/10/08: correspondence released
Scottish Executive: flights within mainland Britain by ministers and officials
25/10/06: request for summary information
18/01/07: information provided (story here)
Scottish Executive: files on proposed ship-to-ship oil transfers in the Firth of Forth
12/10/06: request for documents in four files
12/10/06: request refused because it would exceed £600 cost limit
12/10/06: requested restricted
08/02/07: reminder sent
21/03/07: internal review requested
06/04/07: first batch of papers provided
31/07/07: reminder sent
13/11/07: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
29/11/07: appeal rejected because of delays in making the requests
Scottish Executive: meetings between Environment Minister Ross Finnie and NFU Scotland
19/09/06: request for minutes and correspondence relating to meetings
25/10/06: papers relating to one meeting withheld
25/10/06: internal review requested
18/11/06: papers still withheld
21/11/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
08/11/07: decision by Information Commissioner ordering documents to be released within 45 days
21/12/07: documents released
Scottish Executive: proposed ship-to-ship oil transfers in the Firth of Forth
18/09/06: request for reports relating to proposed transfers
28/09/06: request refused because it would exceed £600 cost limit
28/09/06: refined request submitted
09/10/06: list of file names provided.
Scottish Executive: publication of bathing water pollution results
18/09/06: request for reports relating to bathing water results
17/10/06: some emails provided, other information withheld
18/10/06: internal review requested
17/11/06: information still withheld
21/11/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
21/03/07: four one-line emails released
11/08/08: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering the government to release seven of eight withheld documents by 25 September 2008
29/09/08: documents supplied
Scottish Executive: possible merger of Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Scottish Natural Heritage
08/09/06: request for documents relating to possible merger
21/09/06: no such documents, according to Executive
21/09/06: internal review requested
10/10/06: no relevant information, Executive says.
Scottish Executive: media team discussions with Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Scottish Natural Heritage
30/08/06: request for documents relating to discussions
21/11/06: reminder sent
12/03/07: some documents provided, some withheld
12/03/07: internal review requested
31/07/07: reminder sent
03/08/07: another reminder sent
08/10/07: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
08/11/07: decision by Information Commissioner requiring a response to the request for an internal review within 45 days
14/11/07: Four additional emails released by Scottish Government, but other information withheld
28/11/07: Appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
05/02/08: Three more emails released by Scottish Government, but one document still withheld
10/06/08: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering the release of the final document within 45 days
24/07/08: document released
Scottish Executive: database on infractions of European Union directives
26/05/06: request for database
11/07/06: database refused
18/07/06: request internal review
16/08/06: database withheld again
22/08/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
29/10/07: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering Executive to release a substantial amount of the database within 45 days
13/12/07: database released (story here)
Scottish Executive: documents relating to the UK energy review
17/05/06: request documents
15/06/06: documents refused
15/06/06: request internal review
12/07/06: documents again refused
18/07/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
10/03/08: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering ministers to release some of the information within 45 days, but upholding their refusal to release some documents
28/03/08: a few documents released, which the Scottish Government claimed had been released previously
22/04/08: eight further documents released, as instructed by Scottish Information Commissioner
Scottish Executive: information on Forth road bridge user charges
17/05/06: information requested
21/11/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner on failure to respond
27/11/06: some information provided, some withheld
28/11/06: appeal to Scottish Information Commissioner withdrawn
29/11/06: internal review requested
30/12/06: information still withheld
09/01/07: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
05/03/07: further information released
21/08/08: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering the release of some documents by 5 October 2008
04/10/08: documents supplied
Scottish Executive: correspondence with Westminster on nuclear power
21/04/06: request correspondence
08/05/06: correspondence refused
10/05/06: request for internal review
07/06/06: correspondence again refused
07/06/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
17/03/08: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering information to be released within 45 days
28/04/08: correspondence released (story here)
Scottish Executive: documents relating to environmental justice strategy
09/12/05: documents requested
22/12/05: report refused
15/02/06: internal review requested
02/03/06: report again withheld
02/03/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
28/06/07: some documents provided
22/09/08: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering the release of 70 documents on 7 November 2008
27/11/08: documents received, after being sent to wrong address
Scottish Executive: file on terrorist threat
06/12/05: file requested
19/04/06: some documents released, others withheld
21/04/06: internal review requested
11/05/06: documents still withheld
06/06/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
06/11/08: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering the release of 11 out of 25 documents by 20 December 2008
18/12/08: documents provided
Scottish Executive: file on radionuclides in drinking water
06/12/05: file requested
05/04/06: majority of information refused
06/04/06: request for internal review
28/04/06: information still withheld
13/05/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
23/08/07: decision by Commissioner ordering the Executive to release the documents within 45 days (story here)
08/10/07: documents provided
Scottish Executive: file on civil contingencies committee
06/12/05: file requested
24/04/06: some documents released, others withheld
10/05/06: internal review requested
02/06/06: documents still withheld
06/06/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
30/03/09: decision by Commissioner ordering some information to be released by 13 May 2009
13/05/09: information released (story here)
Scottish Executive: file on European Union infraction cases
06/12/05: requested file
02/05/06: some documents provided, others withheld
10/05/06: internal review requested
24/05/06: more documents provided
Scottish Executive: file on Article 37 infractions
06/12/05: file requested
03/05/06: some documents provided, others withheld
10/05/06: internal review requested
00/06/06 (exact date not given): more documents provided
Scottish Executive: file on decontamination of environment after accident
06/12/05: requested file
12/05/06: some documents provided, others withheld
15/05/06: internal review requested
09/6/06: documents still withheld
Scottish Executive: file on decontamination of people
06/12/05: requested file
27/04/06: some documents provided, others withheld
10/05/06: internal review requested
00/06/06 (exact date not given): one more document provided, others still withheld
Scottish Executive: files on Nirex, the nuclear waste agency
14/10/05: seven files requested
March-June 06: some documents from files released, others withheld
March-June 06: internal reviews requested
March-June 06: documents from six files still withheld
12/06/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
04/04/09: decision by Commissioner ordering the release of information from one file by 18 May 2009
18/05/09: information released
18/12/09: information from two other files released (story here)
12/04/10: information from another file released
15/06/10: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner agreeing that 30 remaining documents should remain secret
Scottish Executive: reports on Glasgow cryptosporidium incident
19/09/05: reports requested
27/10/05: some reports provided
Scottish Executive: advice to ministers on reintroduction of the beaver
02/09/05: information requested
20/10/05: information refused
24/10/05: internal review requested
24/11/05: one annex released, other information withheld
07/12/05: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
08/02/07: decision by Commissioner to reject appeal
Scottish Executive: licences to control four protected species
09/06/05: licences requested
07/07/05: licences provided (story here)
Scottish Executive: information on radioactive waste
30/05/05: information requested
01/07/05: information released
Scottish Executive: information on company secondments
18/05/05: information requested
02/06/05: information provided
Scottish Executive: plans for nuclear waste disposal
18/05/05: request for information for specified files
16/06/05: request refused
20/06/05: internal review requested
15/07/05: files again refused
28/07/05: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
15/08/06: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner that Executive failed to comply with Freedom of Information Act (stories here and here)
Scottish Executive: information about Torness
17/05/05: information requested
23/06/05: information not available
Scottish Executive: files on nuclear emergency exercises
05/05/05: six files requested
16/08/05: some documents provided, others withheld (story here)
19/08/05: internal review requested
16/09/05: ten documents still withheld
21/09/05: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
10/11/06: Part of one document released
17/01/07: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering Executive to release eight of the ten documents within 45 days (story here)
07/03/07: Documents received.
Scottish Executive: information on EU agricultural subsidies
28/04/05: information requested
05/05/05: information supplied
Scottish Executive: applications for licences to control protected species
05/04/05: applications requested
03/05/05: applications refused
04/05/05: internal review requested
02/06/05: some information released (story here)
Scottish Executive: information considered by ministers on M74 extension
25/03/05: information requested
26/04/05: information refused
27/04/05: internal review requested
06/06/05: information refused again
07/06/05: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
09/07/07: Commissioner requests views on public interest
11/07/07: public interest arguments submitted
08/05/08: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner ordering the release of 33 of 68 withheld documents within 45 days
01/07/08: documents received (story here)
Scottish Executive: farmers in receipt of agricultural subsidies
09/03/05: requested subsidies for top 100 farmers
07/04/05: information refused
08/04/05: requested internal review
06/05/05: information still withheld
10/05/05: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
08/03/06: Commissioner asks Executive to reconsider its refusal
31/07/07: decision by Commissioner ordering Executive to release information (story here)
14/09/07: information received (story here)
Scottish Executive: infractions of European Union directives
18/01/05: request for list and substance of infraction cases
23/02/05: list provided, but information on substance of cases refused (story here)
24/02/05: request for internal review
24/03/05: information again refused
24/03/05: new request for responses to infraction proceedings
29/03/05: appeal to Scottish Information Commissioner on substance of cases
22/04/05: responses to cases refused
22/04/05: requested internal review
18/05/05: responses to cases again refused
18/05/05: second appeal to Scottish Information Commissioner
25/10/05: decision by Scottish Information Commissioner requesting Executive to consider releasing draft responses
23/12/05: draft responses refused
04/01/06: internal review requested
24/03/06: one draft response released, others withheld
27/03/06: third appeal to Scottish Information Commissioner
Ministry of Defence: information on nuclear site events at Faslane
29/04/24: requested information
12/08/24: information refused
21/08/24: requested internal review
Now: awaiting response
Ministry of Defence: information on Vanguard submariners leaving the navy
17/04/24: requested information
29/04/24: MoD requested clarification
30/04/24: clarification provided
12/08/24: information refused
21/08/24: requested internal review
Now: awaiting response
Ministry of Defence: information on Vanguard submarine days at sea
03/04/24: requested information
22/04/24: information refused
23/04/24: requested internal review
Now: awaiting response
Ministry of Defence: information on DNSR reports
13/10/17: requested information
09/02/18: refused on grounds of cost
Ministry of Defence: misuse of alcohol or drugs on submarines
09/01/17: requested information
31/01/17: refused on cost grounds
Ministry of Defence: reports to ministers on nuclear convoys
23/06/16: requested information
21/07/16: request refused because of cost
21/07/16: refined request
19/08/16: information refused
23/08/16: requested internal review
04/12/17: some information released
Ministry of Defence: information on nuclear convoy incidents
22/06/16: requested information
15/09/16: incident logs released (stories here and here)
Ministry of Defence: information on flights with defence nuclear materials
23/02/16: requested information
23/03/16: information refused
23/03/16: requested internal review
No response
Ministry of Defence: briefings on William McNeilly
18/02/16: requested information
17/03/16: MoD requested clarification
23/03/16: clarification provided
16/06/23: request rejected as "vexatious"
21/06/23: requested internal review
18/07/23: made new, more limited request
27/06/24: information refused
27/06/24: requested internal review
Now awaiting response
Ministry of Defence: discussions on Trident in the event of a yes vote in the Scottish referendum
02/07/14: requested information
01/08/14: told no such information held
Ministry of Defence: annual health and safety reports for HMNB Clyde since 2009
03/01/14: requested information
17/10/14: reports released (story here)
02/03/15: report for 2013-14 released
Ministry of Defence: information on A45 facility at Aldermaston
01/01/14: requested information
19/08/21: no information released because of cost
Ministry of Defence: information on January 2012 incident at the Vulcan naval reactor
12/03/14: requested information
01/08/14: information refused on grounds of cost
Ministry of Defence: review and strategy reports on the Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator
28/01/14: requested information
12/02/14: reports withheld on the grounds they were due for publication
Ministry of Defence: reports on emergency exercises, Astral Climb and Astral Bend
25/06/13: requested information
29/09/15: Information released (story here)
Ministry of Defence: information on bid to purchase additional land at Cape Wrath
23/05/13: requested information
21/06/13: told it would exceed £600 threshold
24/06/13: limited request to information since 1 April 2012
26/07/13: Information provided (story here)
Ministry of Defence: information on four recent emergency exercises at MoD sites
23/04/13: requested information
24/02/14: information refused
26/02/14: requested internal review
No response
Ministry of Defence: a copy of the final report on Operation Cleansweep
27/03/13: requested information
29/04/13: information withheld
29/04/13: requested an internal review
29/05/13: told report will be completed before the end of the year, and made available.
Ministry of Defence: information on nuclear warheads that are no longer operationally available
25/03/13: requested information
25/07/13: most information refused on grounds of cost, though a little provided (story here)
Ministry of Defence: presentation about amending emergency planning zone at Aldermaston
08/01/13: requested information
18/06/13: information released
Ministry of Defence: list of reports since 2011 by the Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator (DNSR)
21/11/12: requested reports
28/11/12: told that answering the request would exceed the cost threshold
18/12/12: limited request
20/12/12: told that answering request would still exceed cost threshold
20/12/12: further limited request to reports since start of 2012
25/01/13: told that it would still exceed cost threshold
04/02/13: asked for list of authorisees, or any existing databases listing reports
11/02/13: list of authorisees provided
14/02/13: requested list of DNSR reports on Head of Strategic Weapons, and two other authorisees if possible
04/06/13: one list provided
Ministry of Defence: land quality assessment reports on Roussillon Barracks
02/10/12: requested reports
31/10/12: reports released
Ministry of Defence: land quality assessment reports on Submarine Museum Gosport
19/09/12: requested reports
22/10/12: reports released
Ministry of Defence: land quality assessment reports on RAF Hendon
19/09/12: requested reports
22/10/12: reports released
Ministry of Defence: land quality assessment reports on Tondu House Farm
19/09/12: requested reports
22/10/12: reports released
Ministry of Defence: legal review of depleted uranium weapons
18/07/12: requested information
19/07/12: information refused
20/07/12: requested internal review
13/09/12: information refused
Ministry of Defence: list of titles of land quality assessment reports
30/05/12: requested information
29/06/12: told request would breach £600 threshold
02/07/12: restricted request
17/08/12: list received
Ministry of Defence: correspondence with Health Protection Agency about radioactive contamination at Dalgety Bay
22/02/12: requested information
22/03/12: correspondence released (story here)
Ministry of Defence: latest annual review of safety at HMNB Clyde
17/01/12: requested information
13/02/12: minute of meeting released (story here)
Ministry of Defence: information on land in the UK which may be contaminated with radioactivity
22/11/11: requested information
15/12/11: Some information provided (story here)
Ministry of Defence: information on discussions with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency about a memorandum of understanding
22/11/11: requested information
No response
Ministry of Defence: two guidance notes on the dangers of depleted uranium weapons
07/11/11: requested information
14/11/11: information released
Ministry of Defence: assessment by Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator of implications of Fukushima accident
11/10/11: requested information
21/12/11: two documents released, with sections redacted
07/02/12: requested internal review
21/02/13: a few additional sentences released
Ministry of Defence: information on outcome of safety improvement notice on submarine reactor design
05/10/11: requested information
20/12/11: information provided
Ministry of Defence: two safety improvement notices issued by the Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator
09/02/11: requested reports
17/05/11: told case was closed because of failure to respond to request for clarification
17/05/11: requested case be re-opened as no request for clarification had been received
18/05/11: case re-opened, and agreed to refine request
28/09/11: improvement notices provided
Ministry of Defence: report on human resources for the nuclear programme
25/01/11: requested report
07/02/11/ report provided
Ministry of Defence: reports about nuclear emergency plans at Loch Ewe and Broadford Bay
24/01/11: requested reports
22/03/1: reports released (story here)
05/07/11: additional reports released
Ministry of Defence: annual reports by Nuclear Weapon Regulator
13/10/10: requested reports
24/12/2010: two reports released (story here)
21/01/2011: two more reports released (story here)
15/08/2011: one more report released
Ministry of Defence: report on review of nuclear weapon safety criteria
17/08/10: requested report
19/10/10: told the information was not held
16/11/10: requested internal review
17/11/10: told again that "on the balance of probabilities" the report was not held
Ministry of Defence: information about Project Cleansweep on sites contaminated with chemical weapons
16/06/10: requested information
01/07/10: told that the cost of answering the request would exceed the £600 limit, so restricted the scope of the request
27/04/11: refusal to release any information
27/04/11: requested internal review
14/07/11: briefing released (story here)
Ministry of Defence: copy of study into radioactive waste management options for HMNB Clyde
05/05/10: requested study
09/06/11: heavily redacted report released
09/06/11: requested internal review
04/07/11: no further information released
Ministry of Defence: copy of note by Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator on reactor for Trident replacement submarine
27/04/10: requested note
22/03/11: note released (story here)
Ministry of Defence: copy of 2008-09 review of nuclear safety events at Clyde nuclear bases
11/02/10: requested review
12/05/10: review released (story here)
Ministry of Defence: list of sites monitored for radioactivity
10/02/10: requested list
15/11/10: told providing the information would exceed £600 threshold
16/11/10: restricted request to potentially contaminated land
14/12/10: list of six sites provided
Ministry of Defence: five year plan produced by the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston
03/08/09: request for copy of plan
No response
Ministry of Defence: report on routes of nuclear weapons convoys
05/11/08: report requested
05/12/08: informed that providing whole report would exceed £600 threshold
09/12/08: limited request to three chapters
14/01/09: request refused
22/01/09: internal review requested
21/05/09: a few pages released (story here)
Ministry of Defence: reports on safety inspections at Clyde nuclear submarine base
21/10/08: request for reports on annual and five-yearly nuclear safety inspections
18/01/10: complaint about long delay in responding
13/06/11: some information released
Ministry of Defence: reports on nuclear submarine incidents at sea
21/10/08: request for reports on incidents at sea since 01 January 2006
18/01/10: complaint about long delay in responding
No response
Ministry of Defence: reports on shiplift at Clyde nuclear submarine base
21/10/08: request for safety assessments of shiplift since March 2003
18/01/10: complaint about long delay in responding
31/03/11: 2010 safety assessment released (story here)
Ministry of Defence: reports on incidents at Clyde nuclear submarine base
21/10/08: request for individual reports on safety incidents since 01 June 2007
18/01/10: complaint about long delay in responding
13/06/11: reports released
Ministry of Defence: reports on incidents at Clyde nuclear submarine base
21/10/08: request for reports on 11 specific safety incidents in 2006-07
18/01/10: complaint about long delay in responding
13/06/11: reports released
Ministry of Defence: annual report on safety events at Clyde nuclear submarine base
21/10/08: request for 2007-08 report on nuclear safety events
18/01/10: complaint about long delay in responding
12/05/10: report released (story here)
Ministry of Defence: annual report on safety events at Clyde nuclear submarine base
30/04/08: request for 2006-07 report on nuclear safety events
23/09/08: report provided (story here)
Ministry of Defence: documents on the safety of 'Red Snow' warhead assembly facilities at Burghfield between 1958 and 1962
06/08/07: requested documents
24/08/07: referred to the National Archives at Kew in London
Ministry of Defence: documents on exercises involving RAF 'Yellow Sun' nuclear weapons between 1959 and 1962
03/08/07: requested documents
15/08/07: referred to the National Archives at Kew in London
Ministry of Defence: reports on four nuclear weapons accidents in the 1980s
08/05/07: requested reports
16/08/07: reports received (story here)
Ministry of Defence: reports on a nuclear weapon incident at RAF Bruggen in 1984
08/05/07: requested reports
16/08/07: reports received (story here)
Ministry of Defence: information on nuclear weapons accidents since 1991
08/05/07: requested information
01/06/07: informed request was too expensive to answer
04/06/07: reduced request to information on incidents since 2000
02/07/07: information received (story here)
Ministry of Defence: annual safety statements on Trident warheads
14/12/06: requested statements
08/01/07: statements refused on national security grounds
15/01/07: internal review requested
06/08/07: summary statement released
Ministry of Defence: six reports by nuclear safety regulators
11/12/06: requested reports
20/12/06: one document provided, others being subject to public interest test
11/05/07: other documents withheld
11/05/07: internal review requested
25/02/08: documents provided, heavily redacted
04/03/08: appealed to Information Commissioner
08/02/10: decision by Information Commissioner, requiring the release of a little more information (story here).
25/02/10: five extra paragraphs released by MoD
02/03/10: appealed to Information Tribunal
11/10/10: information released (stories here, here and here)
02/12/10: appeal struck out by Information Tribunal
Ministry of Defence: reports by Nuclear Weapon Regulator
03/10/06: requested reports
16/10/06: request refused as it would exceed £600 cost limit
Ministry of Defence: list of reports by Nuclear Weapon Regulator
03/10/06: requested list
16/10/06: request refused as it would exceed £600 cost limit
17/10/06: request restricted to last year
17/11/06: list provided
Ministry of Defence: reports by Naval Nuclear Regulatory Panel
03/10/06: requested reports
16/10/06: request refused as it would exceed £600 cost limit
Ministry of Defence: list of reports by Naval Nuclear Regulatory Panel
03/10/06: requested list
16/10/06: request refused as it would exceed £600 cost limit
17/10/06: request restricted to last year
17/11/06: list provided
Ministry of Defence: report on safety events at Clyde nuclear submarine base
06/09/06: request for report on safety events
04/10/06: report released (story here)
Ministry of Defence: two reports on safety of nuclear weapon convoys
07/07/06: requested reports
18/07/06: notification that public interest test could take "some time"
15/09/06: reports refused
18/09/06: internal review requested
10/11/06: reports again refused
Ministry of Defence: Criminal Improved Nuclear Device Emergency Response
17/03/06: information requested
11/04/06: some documents released (story here)
10/05/06: internal review requested
04/08/06: some documents still withheld
Ministry of Defence: reports of Krakatau subcritical nuclear test
23/02/06: reports requested
27/03/06: request limited to list of Krakatau files
08/06/06: some files names provided
Ministry of Defence: names of nuclear safety and security files
31/01/06: file names requested
02/02/06: request limited to names of files on site safety and Trident submarines
12/02/06: request further limited to names of files on Trident
23/02/06: request further limited to names of files on Trident safety
31/03/06: some file names provided
21/06/06: more file names provided
Ministry of Defence: reports on Exercise Dimming Sun
12/01/06: reports requested
22/05/06: two reports withheld
22/05/06: internal review requested
27/07/06: reports still withheld
Ministry of Defence: Exercise Senator
27/10/05: request for assessments of Exercise Senator 2005
11/07/06: MoD refuses to release assessment by Nuclear Weapon Regulator
17/07/06: request internal review
12/09/06: MoD maintains refusal
12/09/06: appeal to Information Commissioner
12/09/07: letter from Information Commissioner saying that the case had been transferred to the regional office in Northern Ireland
01/04/10: Information Commissioner upholds MoD refusal to release report by Nuclear Weapons Regulator, but criticises MoD for procedural breaches.
Ministry of Defence: safety incidents at Clyde nuclear submarine base
10/10/05: request for documents on safety incidents
29/08/06: Five out of six documents released (story here)
04/09/06: Requested internal review of one document withheld
10/11/06: Document still withheld, though MoD criticised (story here)
Ministry of Defence: reports of lessons learnt from past Senator emergency exercises
15/09/05: reports requested
12/10/05: reports released (story here)
Ministry of Defence: safety reports on US cruise missiles at Greenham Common
14/09/05: requested reports
9-24/10/05: two reports received, with key portions blacked out
14/10/05: requested internal review
15/03/06: request referred by MoD to US defence officials
21/08/06: MoD says no reply yet received from US officials
15/01/07: MoD says reply received from US officials
24/03/07: reports released with much less backed out (story here)
Ministry of Defence: report on safety of nuclear weapons transport
12/07/05: report requested
16/06/06: executive summary of report released (story here)
Ministry of Defence: list of nuclear waste sites proposed by Nirex in 1990s
04/01/05: list requested
10/06/05: list released by Nirex
UK Atomic Energy Authority: Dounreay files
01/03/06: request for files
31/03/06: some files released, majority withheld
04/04/06: request for internal review
07/04/06: files again withheld
12/04/06: appeal to Information Commissioner
29/08/06: appeal acknowledged with apology for delay
04/01/07: letter from Commissioner saying preparatory work about to begin
17/01/08: more documents released
10/04/08: decision from Information Commissioner upholding the withholding of files for national security reasons (story here)
British Nuclear Group: files on Chapelcross
23/08/06: request for seven files
30/09/06: files released, with some information withheld
02/10/06: internal review requested
11/10/06: more documents released
04/11/06: extra phrases in some documents released (story here)
British Nuclear Group: documents relating to the funding of Nuklear21 trade union group
07/03/06: documents requested
04/04/06: request refused
05/05/06: internal review requested
09/08/06: documents on Nuklear21 expenses claims released (story here)
British Nuclear Group: names of nuclear safety and security files
31/01/06: request for file names
28/02/06: names of files on Chapelcross released
British Nuclear Group: safety reports and minutes relating to Sellafield
03/10/05: documents requested
09/12/05: document provided
British Nuclear Group: two reports on Sellafield Mox plant
01/04/05: reports requested
04/04/05: reports refused
04/04/05: internal review requested
06/03/06: appeal to Information Commissioner about delay
13/03/06: appeal rejected
06/04/06: initial response withholding one report again
13/04/06: final response withholding second report again
10/05/06: appealed to Information Commissioner
10/10/06: appeal acknowledged
12/09/07: letter from Information Commissioner saying that the case had been transferred to the regional office in Northern Ireland
06/11/09: two redacted reports released
Office for Nuclear Regulation: information about cracks at Torness
08/05/24: requested information
01/07/24: Two reports released
03/07/24: requested clarification on number of cracks
Now: awaiting response
Office for Nuclear Regulation: correspondence with EDF Energy about closure of reactor three at Hunterston
03/05/18: requested information
01/06/18: refused on cost grounds
12/06/18: submitted refined request
Health and Safety Executive: updated information on health and safety at Grangemouth
13/03/17: requested information
11/04/17: information released
Health and Safety Executive: information on health and safety at Grangemouth
07/07/15: requested information
30/07/15: information provided
Health and Safety Executive: information on possible flooding risks at Drigg waste repository
19/05/14: requested information
16/07/14: information supplied
Health and Safety Executive: information on January 2012 incident at Vulcan naval reactor
12/03/14: requested information
17/04/14: two documents released
Health and Safety Executive: information on four recent emergency exercises at military sites
18/04/13: requested information
No response
Health and Safety Executive: reports on proposals to amend the emergency planning zone at Aldermaston
08/01/13: requested information
01/05/13: three documents released, a fourth put in the post
Health and Safety Executive: names and locations of sites involved in nuclear transport accidents in 2011 (also copied to Health Protection Agency)
28/09/12: requested information
26/10/12: information refused
29/10/12: requested internal review
05/12/12: names of nuclear industry sites released (story here)
Health and Safety Executive: issues at the Sellafield waste vitrification plant
10/06/11: requested information
01/07/11: request refused as "manifestly unreasonable"
Health and Safety Executive: information on talks with industry and government about the impact of Fukushima accident
26/04/11: requested information
17/05/11: information refused on the grounds that it relates to material still in the course of completion
17/05/11: requested internal review
18/05/11: withdrew request for internal review on the understanding my request would be looked at again
24/05/11: told that no information was held
24/05/11: requested minutes of meetings with DECC and industry
22/06/11: minutes released (story here)
Health and Safety Executive: reports on hextails at Capenhurst
11/02/11: requested information
03/08/11: 30 documents released, 10 still to come
09/08/11: 10 more documents received
Health and Safety Executive: reports on internal regulation at Sellafield
11/02/11: requested information
09/05/11: some information received
Health and Safety Executive: reports on fire safety issues at Sellafield plant
11/02/11: requested information
16/12/11: reports provided
Health and Safety Executive: reports on Magnox silo at Sellafield
11/02/11: requested information
25/11/11: information released
Health and Safety Executive: reports on highly active liquor stocks at Sellafield
11/02/11: requested information
14/03/11: information refused
18/03/11: internal review requested
07/12/11: two redacted reports released
Health and Safety Executive: reports on waste vitrification plant at Sellafield
11/02/11: requested information
18/03/11: five heavily redacted documents provided
22/03/11: internal review requested
20/05/11: no further information released
23/05/11: internal review reopened
08/06/11: confirmation that no further information would be released
Health and Safety Executive: reports on evaporator leaks at Sellafield
11/02/11: requested information
21/09/11: reports released
Health and Safety Executive: reports on loss of coolant incidents at Sellafield plant
11/02/11: requested information
14/03/11: information refused
18/03/11: internal review requested
07/12/11: information provided
Health and Safety Executive: information on exercise 'Indigo' at BAE Systems' shipyard in Barrow on 13 July.
22/07/10: requested information
15/09/10: information released (story here)
Health and Safety Executive: information on exercise 'Lindisfarne' at Torness nuclear power station
24/05/10: requested information
02/07/10: information provided (story here)
Health and Safety Executive: problems caused by heavy rain and snow at Sellafield
18/01/10: requested relevant information
15/02/10: seven documents released
Health and Safety Executive: probabilities of nuclear submarine collisions
17/02/09: request for assessments of the probability of a UK nuclear submarine colliding with a foreign nuclear submarine at sea
20/02/09: told that no such information was held
Health and Safety Executive: information on nuclear regulatory review
22/01/09: request for documentation on review of nuclear regulation being carried out by Dr Tim Stone
04/04/09: 26 documents released but 29 withheld
14/04/09: requested internal review
05/06/09: further documents released
Health and Safety Executive: reports on health and safety at Clyde nuclear submarine base
21/10/08: request for documentation on health and safety at base since 01 January 2007
06/11/08: request limited to documents on nuclear issues originated by the Health and Safety Executive
21/11/08: one 12-page document provided (story here)
Health and Safety Executive: reports on shiplift at Clyde nuclear submarine base
21/10/08: request for documentation on safety of shiplift since 01 January 2007
27/11/08: told that no information was held
Health and Safety Executive: regulation of a nuclear weapons plant at Burghfield in Berkshire
08/07/08: requested update on documents first released on 11 September 2007
17/10/08: information supplied
Health and Safety Executive: names of offshore oil and gas companies with safety shortfalls
28/11/07: names requested
19/12/07: names refused
20/12/07: internal review requested
07/03/08: some names released (story here)
Health and Safety Executive: regulation of a nuclear weapons plant at Burghfield in Berkshire
27/06/07: documents requested
13/07/07: asked to modify request to reduce cost
16/07/07: agreed to modify request
11/09/07: documents provided, with some sections blacked out (story here)
19/09/07: requested internal review
16/11/07: review concludes that one word should be reinserted in the documents
22/11/07: documents provided with the word reinserted
Health and Safety Executive: fire risk at Hunterston B
03/05/07: documents requested
19/07/07: documents provided, but some information withheld
19/07/07: internal review requested
19/09/08: information withheld to protect national security (story here)
Health and Safety Executive: 12 nuclear site files requested
03/10/05: files requested
10/10/05: £2,500 fee suggested
10/10/05: files requested limited to seven
03/11/05: files on Torness and Hunterston released (story here)
01/02/06: more files released
14/02/06: more files released
28/02/06: for military site files, referred to Ministry of Defence
Health and Safety Executive: information on pipe fracture at Sellafield THORP
18/05/05: information requested
11/07/05: some information released
Health and Safety Executive: names of files on six nuclear sites
17/05/05: file names requested
11/07/05: list of files released
Health and Safety Executive: documents on closure of British Energy Peel Park headquarters
23/03/05: documents requested
11/05/05: documents released (story here)
Health and Safety Executive: correspondence on reactor graphite cracking
10/02/05: correspondence requested
12/03/05: documents released (story here)
Health and Safety Executive: documents relating to the Nuclear Safety Advisory Committee
11/01/05: documents requested
08/02/05: documents released (story here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: names of non-compliant sites since April 2023
29/10/24: requested information
13/12/24: information provided
08/01/25: revised information provided (story here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: possession of MoD nuclear safety reports since 2015
23/10/24: requested information
14/11/24: told Sepa does not possess reports
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: number of water quality samples in 2019
04/09/24: requested information
19/09/24: information released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: permit breaches since 2019
04/09/24: requested information
28/10/24: Information released on numbers of non-compliant sites since April 2023
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: number of frontline staff regulating sites over last ten years
04/09/24: requested information
14/10/24: information released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: site visits to licensed sites over last ten years
04/09/24: requested information
02/10/24: information released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: correspondence with Ministry of Defence about my Faslane and Coulport FoI requests
21/08/24: requested information
18/09/24: some correspondence released (story here)
15/10/24: requested internal review
12/11/24: no further information released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: environmental issues at HMNB Clyde since October 2019
01/05/24: requested information
02/07/24: information refused
03/07/24: requested internal review
31/07/24: Two redacted documents released, four withheld.
21/08/24: Appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
Now: awaiting response
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: correspondence with salmon farming companies
24/01/24: requested information
08/11/24: information released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information about enforcement action at Grangemouth
22/06/23: requested information
01/08/23: information provided (story here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information about enforcement action at Mossmorran
22/06/23: requested information
19/07/23: some information provided
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information about enforcement undertakings
12/06/23: requested information
07/07/23: some information provided
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information about sewage works inspections
14/11/22: requested information
19/12/22: some information provided
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information about links with Aker Biomarine
20/07/22: requested information
10/08/22: told no information held
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information about Faslane
10/10/19: requested information
26/06/20: six documents released, 28 withheld.
29/06/20: asked for internal review
21/07/23: asked for update, after learning that request had been lost
01/05/24: eight documents released
01/05/24: requested internal review of 22 documents withheld
13/09/24: More documents released, five still withheld
16/09/24: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
Now: awaiting response
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: correspondence on Coul Links
07/12/17: requested information
10/01/18: information provided (story here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: environmental issues at Faslane and Coulport
20/11/17: requested information
22/12/17: information released (story here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: mortalities at fish farms in Scotland
18/09/17: requested information
17/10/17: information provided
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: correspondence with whisky industry, and hospitality
21/03/17: requested information
20/03/17: documents released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information on INEOS compliance at Grangemouth
13/03/17: requested information
20/04/17: documents released (story here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: pollution in the vicinity of stranded Transocean Winner oil rig
15/08/16: requested information
31/08/16: report released (story here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: correspondence with Prince Charles
31/08/15: requested information
15/09/15: told no information held
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information on INEOS and unconventional gas extraction
16/06/15: requested information
14/07/15: Two emails released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information on underground coal gasification plans
15/06/15: requested information
14-15/07/15: information released, but some withheld
04/08/15: requested internal review
01/09/15: a little extra information released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: unpublished details of 2013 compliance assessments for water resource and radioactive substance sites
11/11/14: requested information
10/12/14: some information released, some withheld (story here)
22/12/14: requested internal review
23/01/15: information withheld for national security reasons
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: initial hazard assessments for reservoirs
09/05/14: requested information
23/05/14: information refused
26/05/14: requested internal review
23/06/14: information refused
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information on 2012 radioactive leak at Vulcan naval test reactor in Caithness
06/03/14: requested information
23/07/14: information provided
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information on why the prosecution of Hoganess Salmon in Shetland was dropped in October 2011
07/05/13: requested information
04/06/13: information refused
05/06/13: requested internal review
12/07/13: some information released, but legal advice withheld
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information on cancer assessments at Dalgety Bay
01/11/12: requested information
09/11/12: information released (story here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information on sites suspected of being contaminated with radioactivity
07/05/12: requested information
06/10/12: information released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information on the Radioactive Effluent Disposal Facility at HMNB Clyde
22/02/12: requested information
04/04/12: information received
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: another request for correspondence with Ministry of Defence about the regulation of sites in Scotland
17/11/11: requested correspondence
24/12/11: some emails since 2010 released
05/01/12: internal review requested
28/02/12: emails prior to 2010 released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: study on radioactive waste management options at HMNB Clyde
05/05/10: requested study
22/05/10: SEPA said it didn't hold the information
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: correspondence with Ministry of Defence about the regulation of sites in Scotland
25/01/10: requested correspondence
29/04/10: only information prior to 2004 released
08/05/10: requested internal review
01/06/2010: information still withheld
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: updated information on radiation safety at Faslane and Coulport on the Clyde
20/01/10: requested information
18/02/10: some information released, more promised
03/05/10/ further information released (story here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information on the proposed coal-fired power station at Hunterston in North Ayrshire
28/07/09: requested information
03/09/09: information released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: reports on the Lafarge cement works near Dunbar
12/05/09: request for regulatory reports over last year
13/06/09: information released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: environmental reports on Clyde nuclear submarine base
21/10/08: request for environmental reports on the base since 01 January 2007
12/11/08: agreed to limit request to documents since 01 October 2007, after a charge of £125 was proposed
27/03/09: documents released (stories here and here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: reports on shiplift at Clyde nuclear submarine base
21/10/08: request for documentation on the shiplift since 01 January 2007
06/11/08: told no such documentation held.
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: car use by board members
08/05/08: requested information on mileage allowances claimed by main and regional board members
15/05/08: Told there would be a charge of £27.50 to retrieve the information
15/05/08: Offered to limit the time period for which information requested, then took up suggestion to split request into four, each covering four months.
12/06/08: Information provided (story here).
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: information on sewage improvements for Scottish communities
06/03/08: requested list of areas breaching deadline set by European urban waste water treatment directive
07/04/08: most information refused, but partial information offered
10/04/08: partial information requested
08/05/08: referred to Scottish Water website
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: correspondence on energy from waste proposals
08/08/07: requested correspondence
10/08/07: SEPA requested clarifications
13/08/07: clarifications provided
20/08/07: SEPA requested £45.50 fee to provide information
31/08/07: request restricted to reduce cost
03/09/07: SEPA requested £36.50 fee to provide information
10/09/07: request further restricted
28/09/07: some correspondence provided
05/10/07: further correspondence requested
15/10/07: further correspondence provided
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: correspondence on freedom of information request for flights within mainland Britain
14/02/07: request for correspondence
14/03/07: some provided (story here), some withheld
14/03/07: internal review requested
19/04/07: information still withheld
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: flights within mainland Britain by staff and board members
25/10/06: request for summary information
22/11/06: information provided (stories here and here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: publication of bathing water pollution results
18/09/06: request for reports relating to bathing water results
17/10/06: some emails released, but others withheld
17/10/06: internal review requested
15/11/06: remaining emails released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: media team meetings with Scottish Executive and Scottish Natural Heritage
30/08/06: request for documents relating to meetings
29/09/06: some information released (story here), some withheld
29/09/06: internal review requested
26/10/06: documents still withheld
26/10/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
29/01/08: documents released (story here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: pollution database
28/09/05: requested database
28/09/05: database provided (story here)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: list of files on six nuclear sites
17/05/05: file lists requested
14/06/05: files lists provided
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: five Dounreay files
25/03/05: five files requested
26/04/05: files released
Scottish Environment Protection Agency: list of Dounreay files
18/03/05: list requested
22/03/05: list provided (story here)
NatureScot: licences to control animals
14/02/23: requested information
07/03/23: information provided
07/03/23: requested additional information
24/03/23: additional information provided
NatureScot: objection to planning application in Loch Lomond national park
07/09/21: requested information
01/11/21: information released (story here)
NatureScot: strategy on publishing beaver reports
11/08/21: requested information
08/09/21: some information released
21/09/21: requested internal review
19/10/23: additional information released
NatureScot: responses to training sessions and materials on control of beavers in Tayside
28/09/20: requested information
26/10/20: some information released
30/10/20: requested internal review
27/11/20: more information released (story here)
NatureScot: training materials on control of beavers in Tayside
28/08/20: requested information
25/09/20: Information received
Scottish Natural Heritage: information on control of beavers in Tayside
08/05/20: requested information
08/06/20: response received
Scottish Natural Heritage: correspondence with Fergus Ewing
23/11/18: requested information
17/01/19: documents released
Scottish Natural Heritage: correspondence on Coul Links
07/12/17: requested information
10/01/18: information provided (story here)
Scottish Natural Heritage: progress on deer control at Ardvar
31/08/17: requested information
27/10/17: information provided
Scottish Natural Heritage: correspondence with Fergus Ewing about An Camas Mor development in the Cairngorms
01/02/16: requested information
19/02/16: told no information held
Scottish Natural Heritage: correspondence with Prince Charles
31/08/15: requested information
29/09/15: correspondence released (story here)
Scottish Natural Heritage: information on Buccleuch windfarm plans
24/03/15: requested information
23/04/15: information provided (story here)
Scottish Natural Heritage: information about Grievehill opencast coal mine in East Ayrshire from 2006 to 2009
26/02/14: requested information
03/06/14: Information supplied (story here)
Scottish Natural Heritage: information about any advice to staff concerning Dr Adam Watson
26/02/14: requested information
26/03/14: information supplied
Scottish Natural Heritage: information about meetings between chairman Andrew Thin and the Scottish Gamekeepers Association since 1 January 2009
17/03/10: requested information
20/04/10: information released
Scottish Natural Heritage: information about the reappointment of Andrew Thin as chairman in July 2009
17/03/10: requested information
20/04/10: information released
Scottish Natural Heritage: staff surveys in 2008 and 2009
18/01/10: request for surveys and related information
16/02/10: information provided (story here)
Scottish Natural Heritage: legal advice on proposed sparrowhawk trial
01/09/08: legal advice requested
27/10/09: legal advice released (story here)
Scottish Natural Heritage: flights within Britain by staff and board members
25/10/06: request for summary information
24/11/06: partial information provided
24/11/06: internal review requested
20/12/06: no more information provided (story here)
Scottish Natural Heritage: media team meetings with Scottish Executive and Scottish Environment Protection Agency
30/08/06: request for documents relating to meetings
30/09/06: some documents released, others withheld
02/10/06: internal review requested
27/10/06: documents still withheld
31/10/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
17/05/08: all documents released
21/05/08: appeal withdrawn
Scottish Natural Heritage: response to rejection of beaver reintroduction
29/11/05: response requested
23/12/05: response received
Scottish Natural Heritage: licences to control protected species
05/04/05: licences requested
19/05/05: list of licences provided with names withheld
01/06/05: internal review requested
04/07/05: names still withheld
Scottish Natural Heritage: list of sites damaged by deer
18/03/05: list requested
19/04/05: explained that list didn't exist
Scottish Natural Heritage: advice on reintroduction of the beaver
24/02/05: documents requested
24/03/05: documents released
Transport Scotland: studies on rail freight impact of dualling the A9
16/08/17: requested information
14/09/17: report released (story here)
Transport Scotland: financial models for public-private partnership motorway projects
04/09/16: requested information
30/09/16: information refused
10/10/16: requested internal review
27/02/17: documents released but financial details withheld
5/07/17: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
27/06/18: appeal rejected
Transport Scotland: peer review of latest plans for replacement Forth road crossing
20/04/09: requested information
13/06/09: information received with some emails withheld (story here)
02/07/09: requested internal review of withheld emails
29/07/09: emails still withheld
Transport Scotland: the Forth Replacement Crossing Study prior to 3 May 2007
07/11/07: requested information
26/01/08: some information released (story here)
29/01/08: internal review requested
20/03/08: more documents released
Transport Scotland: the Forth Replacement Crossing Study since 3 May 2007
07/11/07: requested information
26/01/08: some information released
29/01/08: internal review requested
20/03/08: more documents released
Transport Scotland: decision to abolish tolls on Forth and Tay bridges since 3 May 2007
26/09/07: requested information
22/11/07: a single email released
22/11/07: requested internal review
17/12/07: request passed on to Scottish Government
07/01/08: clarification requested and provided
12/02/08: some information provided, some withheld
14/02/08: internal review requested
16/04/08: information still withheld
22/04/08: appealed to the Scottish Information Commissioner
08/12/08: appeal rejected after Scottish Government say it will exceed £600 threshold
Transport Scotland: discussions about tolls on Forth and Tay bridges before 3 May 2007
26/09/07: requested information
22/11/07: a single email released
22/11/07: requested internal review
17/12/07: request passed on to Scottish Government
07/01/08: clarification requested and provided
12/02/08: some information provided, some withheld
14/02/08: internal review requested
16/04/08: information still withheld
22/04/08: appealed to the Scottish Information Commissioner
08/12/08: appeal rejected after Scottish Government say it will exceed £600 threshold
Transport Scotland: flights within Britain by staff
25/10/06: request for summary information
18/01/07: information provided (story here)
Food Standards Scotland: contacts with Aker Biomarine
17/08/22: request for summary information
14/09/22: told no information held
Food Standards Agency: contract of Dr George Paterson
09/03/05: information requested
08/04/05: information refused
Food Standards Agency: documents on funding and staffing
09/03/05: documents requested
09/04/05: some documents provided
Food Standards Agency: documents on Hazards Analysis Critical Control Point
09/03/05: documents requested
09/04/05: documents provided (story here)
Animal and Plant Health Agency: names of five farmers who have breached animal welfare rules
27/11/17: requested information
30/11/17: information refused
30/11/17: requested an internal review
20/12/17: refusal to release information upheld
Department for Work and Pensions: information about cooling leaks at Sellafield in 2009 and 2010
01/09/11: requested information
09/09/11: told information not held
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs: discussions between pesticide manufacturers and officials
03/04/12: requested information
29/05/12: reply from Defra's Food and Environment Research Agency, refusing to release any information
29/05/12: requested an internal review
26/07/12: refusal to release information upheld
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs: analysis of flooding and coastal erosion risks at nuclear sites
31/01/12: requested information
03/02/12: referred to reports published by Department of Energy and Climate Change in 2011
07/02/12: requested internal review
05/03/12: analysis released (story here)
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs: information about Sellafield's formal caution over condensate leak
01/09/11: requested information
02/09/11: told information not held
02/09/11: requested internal review
30/09/11: told information not held
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs: information about Sellafield's misdirected bin bags
01/09/11: requested information
02/09/11: told information not held
02/09/11: requested internal review
30/09/11: told information not held
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs: information about the costs of purchasing bovine TB vaccines for badgers
23/06/11: requested information
20/07/11: some information released
Department of Energy and Climate Change: blocks bid for in Scotland under the 14th onshore oil and gas licencing round
18/08/15: requested information
21/09/15: some information released, some withheld (story here)
21/09/15: requested internal review
19/10/15: no more information released
Department of Energy and Climate Change: correspondence with Scottish Government about 14th onshore oil and gas licencing round
30/07/15: requested information
28/09/15: some information released, some withheld (story here)
27/10/15: requested internal review
09/12/15: no further information released
Department of Energy and Climate Change: information on Network Rail possibly buying electricity from Hinkley Point C
09/03/15: requested information
23/03/15: told no information held
Department of Energy and Climate Change: information in redacted emails about two companies pulling out of nuclear power
19/07/12: requested information
16/08/12: information withheld
Department of Energy and Climate Change: information on two companies pulling out of nuclear power
09/05/12: requested information
18/09/12: information released
Department of Energy and Climate Change: report about nuclear decommissioning and waste management by Gordon MacKerron
07/11/11: requested information
05/12/11: report withheld because it was due to be published in the New Year
Department of Energy and Climate Change: information about communications with nuclear industry about Greenpeace legal action
13/09/11: requested information
19/10/11: some information received (story here)
Department of Energy and Climate Change: information about Sellafield's formal caution over condensate leak
01/09/11: requested information
24/10/11: some information released
Department of Energy and Climate Change: information about misdirected binbags at Sellafield in April 2010
01/09/11: requested information
13/10/09: four documents released
Department of Energy and Climate Change: information about cooling leaks at Sellafield in 2009 and 2010
01/09/11: requested information
02/11/11: documents released
Department of Energy and Climate Change: communications with EDF Energy about Fukushima and Weightman report on nuclear safety
26/04/11: requested information
24/06/11: 80 emails released (story here)
Department of Energy and Climate Change: communications with EDF Energy about Fukushima
07/04/11: requested information
24/06/11: 80 emails released (story here)
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills: minutes of meeting with Zurich and Bulb
12/01/22 requested information
16/11/23: department said sorry for long delay and asked if request should be pursued
20/11/23: told them not to pursue
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS): minutes of COP26 meetings
17/06/21: requested information
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills: information on Network Rail possibly buying electricity from Hinkley Point C
31/03/15 requested information
10/04/15: told no information held
Department for Business, Information and Skills: correspondence with the Newspaper Licensing Agency
23/11/09: requested correspondence
19/01/10: one email provided
Department for Transport: information on removal of diesel particulate filters
21/06/16: requested information
11/07/16: spreadsheet released
Department for Transport: information on Network Rail possibly buying electricity from Hinkley Point C
14/04/15 requested information
16/04/15: told no information held
Department of Trade and Industry: documents on the siting of nuclear stations
23/03/07: documents requested
23/05/07: documents provided (story here)
Department of Trade and Industry: list of nuclear safety and security files
31/01/06: file lists requested
23/03/07: reminder sent
13/11/07: appealed to Information Commissioner over failure to respond
16/11/07: Information Commissioner asks department to reply within 20 working days
No response: department reorganised
Department of Trade and Industry: documents about nuclear plants
12/01/06: documents requested
13/02/06: information provided
UK Nirex: list of sites proposed for nuclear waste disposal in 1990s
04/01/05: list requested
01/03/05: list refused
01/03/05: internal review requested
28/04/05: list again refused
01/05/05: appeal to Information Commissioner
26/05/05: Nirex workshop on release of site list
10/06/05: site list released (stories here and here)
03/08/05: launch of investigation by Information Commissioner
16/08/05: appeal withdrawn
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: specifications for improvement works at Wick Airport
04/10/16: information requested
23/11/15: document released (story here)
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: reports on hextails at Capenhurst
11/02/11: information requested
05/05/11: some reports released, more promised
06/05/11: more reports released
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: reports on Magnox silo at Sellafield
11/02/11: information requested
18/05/11: heavily redacted report released
06/06/11: internal review requested
05/07/11: slightly less redacted report released
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: reports on waste vitrification plant at Sellafield
11/02/11: information requested
21/04/11: some information provided
07/06/11: internal review requested, though agreed to wait until July for it to be considered
25/07/11: a little more information released
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: reports on highly active liquor at Sellafield
11/02/11: information requested
09/05/11: a little information provided, without key numbers
06/06/11: internal review requested
05/07/11: a little more information provided
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: reports on loss of coolant incidents at Sellafield plant
11/02/11: information requested
11/03/11: information refused
11/03/11: requested internal review
07/04/11: information refused again
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: reports on evaporator leaks at Sellafield
11/02/11: information requested
14/04/11: some information provided
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: information on Sellafield during heavy rain and snow
18/01/10: request for related information
08/02/10: information provided
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: minutes of meetings of Geological Disposal Implementation Board
06/05/09: documents requested
07/05/09: request transferred to Department of Energy and Climate Change
30/09/09: some information provided, some withheld
07/10/09: internal review requested
No response
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: minutes of meetings of Waste Management Steering Group
06/05/09: documents requested
07/05/09: request transferred to Department of Energy and Climate Change
30/09/09: some information provided, some withheld (story here)
07/10/09: internal review requested
No response
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: minutes of meetings of uranium encapsulation group
20/04/09: documents requested
01/06/09: redacted minutes released
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: minutes of meetings of innovative concepts group
20/04/09: documents requested
29/04/09: no such group found
Environment Agency: information on radioactively contaminated sites
10/07/12: information requested
07/08/12: information provided
Environment Agency: information on latest enforcement action at Sellafield
26/08/11: information requested
No response
Environment Agency: reports on leak of radioactivity at Sellafield
23/02/11: reports requested
31/03/11: some information provided
Environment Agency: reports on beach monitoring at Sellafield
23/02/11: reports requested
31/03/11: some information provided
Environment Agency: reports on misdirected bags of radioactive waste at Sellafield
23/02/11: reports requested
31/03/11: request refused because of ongoing investigation
04/04/11: internal review requested
No response
Environment Agency: information on regulatory activity at Sellafield
23/02/11: information requested
31/03/11: some information provided
Environment Agency: reports on highly active liquor tanks at Sellafield
23/02/11: reports requested
31/03/11: request refused because of ongoing investigation
04/04/11: internal review requested
No response
National Trust for Scotland: financial reports
23/02/06: requested financial reports
24/02/06: reports refused
24/02/06: requested internal review
07/08/06: reports refused
15/08/06: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner on whether Environmental Information Regulations apply
05/09/06: SIC requested additional information
08/09/06: appeal withdrawn
Greater Glasgow NHS Board: reports on Glasgow cryptosporidium incident
28/09/05: reports requested
24/10/05: reports received
Glasgow City Council: reports on Glasgow cryptosporidium incident
28/09/05: reports requested
12/10/05: reports received
Scottish Water: flights within Britain by staff and board members
25/10/06: request for summary information
29/11/06: information provided (story here)
Scottish Water: reports on Glasgow cryptosporidium incident
28/09/05: reports requested
25/10/05: invitation to read documents in office, plus photo of them
Scottish Parliament: flights within Britain by MSPs
25/10/06: request for summary information
27/11/06: partial information provided
Scottish Parliament: flights within Britain by parliamentary staff
08/02/07: request for summary information
15/03/07: information provided
Scottish Enterprise: information on public funding for the fish farming industry
20/10/20: requested information
17/11/2020: information received
Scottish Enterprise: flights within Britain by staff and board members
25/10/06: request for summary information
24/11/06: information provided (story here)
Sustainable Development Commission: flights within Britain by staff and commissioners
25/10/06: request for summary information
31/10/06: information provided (story here)
Communities Scotland: flights within Britain by staff
25/10/06: request for summary information
27/11/06: information provided (story here)
Visit Scotland: correspondence on Coul Links
07/12/17: requested information
10/01/18: information provided (story here)
Visit Scotland: flights within Britain by staff and board members
25/10/06: request for summary information
15/11/06: information not provided
15/11/06: internal review requested
13/12/06: some information provided (story here)
Historic Environment Scotland: information on the closure of Radical Road since 20 September 2023
06/11/24: requested information
19/12/24: information released
Historic Environment Scotland: information on strategic plan for Holyrood Park and the closure of Radical Road since 31 March 2022
20/09/23: requested information
09/10/23: asked to narrow request to save time, and did so
25/10/23: further narrowed request, as requested
22/12/23: some information released (story here)
05/01/24: requested internal review
19/01/24: two additional paragraphs released
Historic Environment Scotland: updated information about the closure of Radical Road in Holyrood Park
01/06/22: requested information
30/06/22: information released (story here)
Historic Environment Scotland: information about the closure of Radical Road in Holyrood Park
02/03/22: requested information
31/03/22: information released (story here)
Historic Scotland: correspondence with Prince Charles
31/08/15: requested information
28/09/15: some information released (story here)
Historic Scotland: flights within Britain by staff
25/10/06: request for summary information
06/11/06: information not provided
07/11/06: internal review requested
21/11/06: information provided (story here)
Scottish Arts Council: flights within Britain by staff and council members
25/10/06: request for summary information
23/11/06: information provided (story here)
Health Scotland: flights within Britain by staff and board members
25/10/06: request for summary information
21/11/06: information provided (story here)
Audit Scotland: flights within Britain by staff and commission members
31/10/06: request for summary information
13/10/06: information provided (story here)
HIghlands and Islands Enterprise: information on public funding for the fish farming industry
20/10/20: requested information
12/12/20: information provided
Highlands and Islands Enterprise: board papers on proposed spaceport
13/11/19: requested information
21/01/20: information provided
Highlands and Islands Enterprise: correspondence on Coul Links
07/12/17: requested information
12/01/18: information provided (story here)
Highlands and Islands Enterprise: management of Cairngorm estate since start of 2006
29/05/08: documents requested
06/06/08: request clarified
21/07/08: HIE provided list of information categories
21/07/08: requested information in various categories
22/08/08: information provided (story here)
Highlands and Islands Enterprise: announcement on transfer of ownership of CairnGorm Mountain Ltd
29/05/08: documents requested
06/06/08: request clarified
21/07/08: some information provided
Highlands and Islands Enterprise: flights within Britain by staff and board members
31/10/06: request for summary information
27/11/06: partial information provided
29/11/06: internal review requested
30/12/06: more information provided (story here)
Cairngorms National Park Authority: correspondence with Fergus Ewing
05/11/18: requested information
04/12/18: a few documents released
05/12/18: requested internal review
20/12/18: a few more documents released
Cairngorms National Park Authority: correspondence with Fergus Ewing about An Camas Mor development in the Cairngorms
01/02/16: requested information
29/02/16: some information released
Cairngorms National Park Authority: flights within Britain by staff and board members
31/10/06: request for summary information
13/11/06: information provided (story here)
Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority: flights within Britain by staff and board members
31/10/06: request for summary information
24/11/06: information provided (story here)
Forestry Commission Scotland: correspondence on Carrbridge Hotel expansion plans
30/11/18: information requested
18/12/18: Redacted emails released
20/12/18: requested internal review
28/01/19: information refused
Forestry Commission Scotland: information previously withheld about purchase of Upper Rothiemurchus Forest
11/04/16: information requested
30/09/16: information released
Forestry Commission Scotland: information about purchase of Upper Rothiemurchus Forest
01/09/14: information requested
9/10/14: documents released (story here)
Forestry Commission Scotland: plans to transfer ownership of the Cairngorm estate from Highlands and Islands Enterprise
29/05/08: documents requested
06/06/08: agreed to limit information to certain categories
25/06/08: documents provided (story here)
Forestry Commission Scotland: flights within Britain by staff, commissioners and national committee members
06/11/06: request for summary information
01/12/06: information provided (story here)
Forth Estuary Transport Authority: documents relating to case for new Forth crossing
21/11/06: request for documents
20/12/06: documents provided
Ofgem: assessments of impacts of new nuclear stations on the national grid
28/05/07: assessments requested
28/11/07: reminder sent
03/12/07: assessments provided
Aberdeenshire Council: planning and environmental health issues at Trump golf resort
05/07/17: requested information
21/08/17: information released
Aberdeenshire Council: business rates relief for Trump golf resort
04/07/17: requested information
12/07/17: told no rates relief given
Aberdeenshire Council: assurances given to Donald Trump about wind farms
23/08/11: requested information
01/09/11: told no information held (story here)
Aberdeenshire Council: correspondence with the Trump Organisation since December 2008
26/07/11: requested information
No response
Aberdeenshire Council: communications with Scottish Government and MSPs on planning application for golf resort in Balmedie
06/12/07: information requested
21/12/07: information refused
21/12/07: internal review requested
24/01/08: information provided
Aberdeenshire Council: information relating to the Aberdeen City and Shire Economic Future Planning Modernisation Group
22/09/09: information requested
22/10/09: information provided
Aberdeenshire Council: information relating to the Trump organisation's request for compulsory purchase orders at the Menie estate
01/10/09: information requested
31/10/09: some information released
Atomic Weapons Establishment: five year plan produced by AWE at Aldermaston
03/08/09: request for copy of plan
04/08/09: told AWE plc is not covered by freedom of information legislation
Foreign and Commonwealth Office: discussions on Trident in the event of a yes vote in the Scottish referendum
02/07/14: requested information
24/07/14: told no such information held
Foreign and Commonwealth Office: monitoring for radioactivity on Diego Garcia
02/03/10: requested information
24/03/10: told that no information was held, but sent a 2006 report from the Ministry of Defence
US Department of Defence: discussions on Trident in the event of a yes vote in the Scottish referendum
02/07/14: requested information
18/03/15: told there were no "responsive records"
US Department of State: discussions on Trident in the event of a yes vote in the Scottish referendum
02/07/14: requested information
08/08/16: Embassy cables released (story here)
Deer Commission for Scotland: information on deer welfare and section 25 of the Deer (Scotland) Act
16/03/10: requested information
08/04/10: emails and memos released
Deer Commission for Scotland: information on training exercises with private estates
16/03/10: requested information
07/04/10: emails and other information released
14/04/10: requested internal review to check all relevant material had been released.
North Ayrshire Council: communications with EDF Energy about Hunterston
07/04/11: requested information
23/08/11: resubmitted request
20/09/11: told information not held
East Lothian Council: communications with EDF Energy about Torness
07/04/11: requested information
06/05/11: some reports provided
Cabinet Office: contracts with principal partners for COP26
02/10/21: information requested
No response
Cabinet Office: information on talks with the nuclear industry about the impact of the Fukushima nuclear accident
26/04/11: information requested
03/08/11: told no information held
Department of Health: correspondence about 14th report by Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE)
10/05/11: information requested
08/06/11: emails released (story here)
Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE): information on cancer assessments at Dalgety Bay
01/11/12: information requested
27/11/12: two reports released
Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE): correspondence with Department of Health about 14th report
10/05/11: information requested
08/06/11: emails released by Department of Health (story here)
Police Scotland: information about Trump International Golf Links in Aberdeenshire since July 2011
21/06/16: information requested
25/01/17: 49 files released (story here)
Grampian Police: correspondence with the Trump Organisation since December 2008
26/07/11: requested information
23/09/11: some information released (story here), some withheld.
26/09/11: requested internal review
25/10/11: another police file released (story here)
Grampian Police: information about arrest of the makers of the film, 'You've Been Trumped'
31/10/12: requested information
12/12/12: information refused
09/01/13: requested internal review
11/02/13: information again refused
12/02/13: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
08/08/13: a few emails released (story here)
15/05/14: appeal rejected, with an apology for long delay.
Health Protection Agency: correspondence with Ministry of Defence or other government departments on radioactive contamination at Dalgety Bay
22/02/12: requested information
21/03/12: eights files of emails released (story here)
Network Rail: information about possibly buying power from proposed Hinkley C nuclear power station
31/03/15: requested information
01/05/15: told no information held
Network Rail: information about air pollution at Edinburgh Waverley railway station
08/10/12: requested information
13/12/12: report released (story here)
Dumfries and Galloway Council: correspondence with Buccleuch estate on Glenmuckloch
16/03/16: requested information
06/04/16: told no information held
Dumfries and Galloway Council: information on Buccleuch estate
08/07/15: requested information
10/07/15: asked to be more specific
13/07/15: specified topics of interest
05/08/15: some information released, some withheld
05/08/15: requested internal review
03/09/15: no more information released
Fife Council: information on underground coal gasification
16/06/15: requested information
30/06/15: told no information held
02/07/15: requested internal review
04/08/15: Information provided
Falkirk Council: information on underground coal gasification
16/06/15: requested information
03/06/15: information provided, and more promised
Falkirk Council: information on INEOS and unconventional gas extraction
16/06/15: requested information
03/07/15: information provided
Falkirk Council: investments made by Falkirk pension fund
12/11/13: requested information
02/12/13: information provided (story here)
City of Glasgow Council: investments made by Strathclyde pension fund
12/11/13: requested information
10/12/13: information provided (story here)
City of Aberdeen Council: investments made by North East pension fund
12/11/13: requested information
10/12/13: information provided (story here)
Dundee City Council: investments made by Tayside pension fund
13/11/13: requested information
18/12/13: information provided (story here)
East Ayrshire Council: Mackinnon report on opencast coal mines, plus related correspondence
09/12/13: requested information
10/01/14: information refused
13/01/14: requested internal review
10/02/14: information again refused.
Highland Council: correspondence on Coul Links
07/12/17: requested information
19/12/17: told information not held
Highland Council: emergency plans for nuclear sites
17/07/14: requested information
30 /07/14: information refused
Highlands and Islands Airport Limited: arrangements for US Air Force flight on 17 September 2016
04/10/16: requested information
14/12/16: Documents released (story here).
NHS Lothian: financial models for public-private partnership for Royal Edinburgh redevelopment
04/09/16: requested information
06/10/16: information refused
10/10/16: requested internal review
07/11/16: documents released but financial details withheld
21/11/16: appealed to Scottish Information Commissioner
24/01/17: Commissioner ordered review under environmental information rules
13/03/17: new review but financial details still withheld
05/07/17: appealed again to Scottish Information Commissioner
04/07/18: Commissioner decided that full financial details could stay secret
South Ayrshire Council: planning and environmental health issues at Trump golf resort
05/07/17: requested information
09/08/17: information released
South Ayrshire Council: business rates relief for Trump golf resort
04/07/17: requested information
31/07/17: information provided (story here)
Stirling Council: correspondence between Charlotte Street Partners on Park of Keir development
12/09/17: requested information
05/10/17: told none held
Crown Estate: correspondence about kelp harvesting
21/09/18: requested information
26/09/18: told information not held, referred to Crown Estate Scotland
Crown Estate Scotland: correspondence about kelp harvesting
26/09/18: requested information
27/09/18: told no information held
Oil and Gas Authority: name of company under investigation for possible breach of flare consent
18/08/21: requested information
16/09/21: information refused
16/09/21: requested internal review
16/12/21: information refused
Creative Scotland: information on Centre for the Moving Image
07/12/22: requested information
19/01/23: documents released, with redactions (story here)
25/01/23: requested internal review
30/01/23: no further information released
National Records of Scotland: access to three files about the Torness nuclear power station from the 1970s and 1980s
21/03/23: requested information
24/05/23: information refused on grounds of cost, with advice to ask for one of the three files
30/05/23: requested one of the three files
12/07/23: file refused on grounds of cost
31/07/23: requested internal review
12/09/23: redacted file released
Scottish Courts and Tribunals: information about coal burning
06/12/23: requested information
08/01/24: information provided (story here)